Sunday, 9 February 2025

ThAct: Flipped Learning Activity - The Only Story

Here, in this blog I'll be discussing aboy the video lectures conducted by Dr. Dilip Barad sir on the novel " The Only Story" by Julian Barnes. to more you can visit Teachers blog

1st Video 

The only story by Julian Barnes In this video Talks about the narrative patterns about the characters summary and the timeline of the narration. The novels genera is a memory novel published in two thousand eighteen setting in 'Stockbroker belt' outside London 1960s. 1st person narrator is Paul Robert, who is 69/70 yrs and tell us the story. Here Paul tells us the story about the love and this love is not of happy memory but instead filled with philosophical thinking of responsibilities. 

This old man i.e Paul is telling that everybody has so many stories throughout their life but the only story i.e he like to tell is this " The only Story ". And from their the protagonist takes us to 50 years back, when he was 19 years old and tells us his love with Susan Maclead and she was 48 years old having 2 daughters. And Susan was married to Gordon Maclead.

The video also talks about the reference of another novel of Barnes i.e " The Sense of an Ending " who has wron bookers prize in 2011. Here in the novel we can see the calss conflict, which is seen in the beginning of the novel like how Paul's parents sent him to tenis club where only wealthy people come to play and which will help Paul to have marriage to a wealthy family. 

Julian Barnes, an atheist he would never belive in destiny or something like that, so he gives reason to the deformed because of her old age. Paul's reaction with Susan continued for almost 29/30 yrs. 

Video also talks about the postmodern narration where, there's great doubt about the stories told by protagonist, until an individual reaches at end and revisit it all. During a gap between the years Susan got habituated with drinking alcohol and has also started lying. Her behavior is unpredictable and unreadable in many ways. 

Paul later tells and call the two daughters of Susan I.e Clara and Martha and tells them that he is moving to abroad for his career. And then Martha takes responsibility of Susan, and also sent to hospital due to his psychological condition.   As Paul moved further for his career and many womens who came and went into his life and almost forgot about the Susan. 

During his last part when he is almost 45/50 years comes to meet Susan at 79/80 that was the last meeting of Paul and Susan. Aslo comes the reference of Eric who was once attacked by the theives and instead of helping her Paul ran away giving an excuse of going to ask for the help from the police. Paul is seen and interpreted as cowered over here. 

Then comes the reference of the domestic violence and abuse which is told through the character of Gordon and uncle Humphrey, is explained through the reference of movie " Highway ".

2nd Video 

This video talks about the Character study of Joan. We can see this character as saving herself from damaged, when we look at Paul and Susan going through agony and pain. 

Joan is a friend of Susan and sister of Gerald. Sybil the name of the dog is seen as mythical character in the poem Waste Land. 

Through the character of Joan we can see immortality is a curse and death is bliss. We can see the leisure life of Joan which she spends as she does spending with dogs and drinking alcohol.

3rd Video 

This video talks about the Memory novel:

History is collective memory, memory is personal History, trauma is memory. Julian Barnes also talks and make fun of Cinematic narration and also through the movie Memento is seen in more philosophically significant. Then comes the reference of Adger Ellen Poe's "Tale tell heart ". And then talked about the History of the delusion of defeated. And Paul is self defeated over here. Then talks about the documentation of the things. Then comes the story of Eric which is refered at the end of the novel with two episodes. 

Then there's sudden reference of the lines at the very last pages I.e ' Fellow at 14 s at the bar '. With the example of bird is trying to say and explain how they fly away and the question arise that is Susan a bird in life of the Paul or Paul is bird in life of Susan. Aslo gives reference to Max Verstapper fromula one reacer.

4th Video 

Julian Barnes in his novels " The sense of Ending" told that one can't rely on the memory I.e it is unreliable. 

Narrative structure along classes line:

The novel beings with the question, what is novel and generally is of love and based on classical line given by Dr. Samule Johnson in English  dictionary (1755). 

Classical technique of direct address to the readers:

Would you rather love the more or suffer the more or love less or suffer the less I.e finally the only real question novel begins with. Then there comes the reference of Hayavadan. 

5th Video 

This video talks about the theme of responsibility. The question of responsibility is unfold in this novel by narrator whether narrator itself is involved or anything else which only narrator knows. 

We can see Paul Robert as blaming others over here, like Gordon for domestic violence. Also talks about the metaphor of link and chain is used to explain the novel. When breaking of chain occurs, their also lies responsibility of chain. Also discussed the possibilities of breaking of links or chain. 

Through both the narrative Barnes wants to tell us that when we intersopect we'll get to know whatsour role in that rather then blaming others. Intersopection is the ultimate questof responsibility that novel tries to explain.

6th Video 

In this video talks about the themes of the novel. I.e theme of Passion and suffering and love:

Ellen pretties camphell on Barnes novel, remember as you read this small boom generally and specially  about love, remember that suffering is after all, the Latin root for passon. 

The Etymology of Passion:

The word Passion is one of those words where the modern application appears disconnected from original meaning. The word cones from the Latin root word , ' Patior ' which means suffer. 1 st appeared in English 1755 AD. Passion is connected with suffering. There's a metaphor used of a steamer bot and a wooden log, example of Mississippi river. 

Susan's friend John equally old lady to her, is compared to mythical character of Tyreses. Here, postmodernity is being argued, challenged traditional knowledge system and counter factuality is given. Then talks about the character of Susan that how it can be seen in the cinema and when it comes to novel is shown through the episode of when he 1st saw Susan during his 19 yrs. 

Then an archetype is used I.e labstored, for the love and truth which means one who would die for love and is connected with Hamlet’s Ophelias dead lying body. Also in T.S.Eliots waste land we can see the myth of Tristan and isolde. 

Love and duty:

Later talks about the realisation that how love turned into pity and anger. And also talks about the repression of understanding the language.

7th Video 

In this video we can see Barne making critique of marriage institute. Then talks about shaam of marriage institutions. According to Barnes love and marriage are two different things. In the novel ' The sense of an Ending ' there's a quote that says marriage is something where pudding is serverd before, here is trying to criticise it. Also talks about the bad marriages in the novel that is of; Susan and Gordon Maclead, Paul's parents, Joan and the video ends while discussing about the theory of marriage.

8th video

This video talks about the philosophical ramblings of Paul Robert. There are two ways of looking at life, and should look with continume between them. 

Then talked about the succession of choices and with that comes regression when you have anxiety of choices. Through the example of mythical characters and Mississippi of life is tried to explain the philosophy of life.


I hope this would be helpful,
Thank you. 

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ThAct: Flipped Learning Activity - The Only Story

Here, in this blog I'll be discussing aboy the video lectures conducted by Dr. Dilip Barad sir on the novel " The Only Story" ...